Daily routine
7-9 : wake up, wash up
9-9.30 : meditation
10-12 : brunch
12-20/21: activities
evening: dinner, meditation, foot-soak, sleep
25 April
Arrival and accommodating
26 April
Relax. Bhajan practice.
27 – 29 April
Advertising. Street realisations. Bhajan rehearsal
27 April (TBC)
Public program in Daejeon. 5 volunteers should join Saurabh.
28 April
Street realisations / live music in Sinchon Street (Saurabh knows)
30 April – 3 May
Morning: leafletting at the university. and putting posters.
14-18 Walk-in session (just 6 of us). The others will keep leafletting
2-3 May
18-21 Public Program
4 May
16-20 public program
5 May
Morning: PUJA
16-19 first follow-up