Realise Korea Tour 2024

Meditate Korea presents:

SEOUL 30 April – 4 May

Free Admission

Join us for a series of transformative meditation sessions designed to guide you towards inner peace and enlightenment (turiya in Sanskrit). Take a journey within yourself and unlock the power of meditation to foster mental clarity, emotional balance, and overall well-being. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced practitioner, these sessions offer a welcoming space for everyone to cultivate inner peace.

📅 Session Schedule


From April 30 to May 3

Time: 2pm to 6 pm
Event type: walk-in session
Venue: 서울대입구 숭실대그랜드피아노다목적
Location: 서울특별시 관악구 봉천동 7-55 지구촌순복음교회 옆 티오피스튜디오

Thursday May 2 (s sessions)

Session 1: 6pm ~ 7.30 pm
Session 2: 7.30 pm ~ 9 pm

Event type: conference
Venue: 목동 엠제이홀 – 오목교 초역세권
Address: 서울 양천구 목동 405-33 MJ클래식 지하1층

Friday May 3 (s sessions)

Session 1: 6pm ~ 7.30 pm
Session 2: 7.30 pm ~ 9 pm

Event type: conference
Venue: 목동 엠제이홀 – 오목교 초역세권
Address: 서울 양천구 목동 405-33 MJ클래식 지하1층

5월 4일 토요일

Time: 5 pm ~ 7 pm
Event type: conference
Venue: 예술의전당 근처 120석 이상 깔끔한 서초아트홀
Address: 서울 서초구 반포대로9길 30 서리풀 아트홀

5월 5일  일요일

Time: 5pm ~6.30 pm
Event type: class
Venue: 예술의전당 근처 120석 이상 깔끔한 서초아트홀
Address: 서울 서초구 반포대로9길 30 서리풀 아트홀

Guided by Experienced Instructors

Led by seasoned meditation instructors, each session offers expert guidance and gentle encouragement to help you explore different meditation techniques and deepen your practice.

🌟 Benefits

  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Improve focus and concentration
  • Enhance self-awareness and emotional resilience
  • Foster compassion and inner peace

📝 Registration

Reserve your spot now [click here to access the registration form]. Limited slots available, so book early to secure your place.

🌺 Come with an open heart and mind, ready to embrace the transformative power of meditation and music. We look forward to sharing this unforgettable experience with you. 🙏🌿